Sunday 16 September 2012

Pokeballing: Moving Day

Hello everyone this will be the last post of Pokeballing on this blog site. To elaborate for everyone, I am trying to get my teammates to make a serious stab at worlds for this season (which takes place in my home country of Canada eh) so i have opened up a new blog address where hopefully you will get not only blogs from yours truly but my teammates as well.

But before I say a temporary good bye i just wanted to thank any and all of you who have read this over the time i had it. I constantly looked at my numbers and was amazed at all the page views i had, and i cant even begin to tell you how much it means to me that you all took time out of your days to read a relatively unknown Pokemon player's thoughts on this game i love so much.

I hope that you all show the same support for this new blog (which will also be titled Pokeballing cause i love the name) and let us know what you think, what you like, and what we can do to improve on your experience.

the site for the record is