Thursday 12 July 2012

Pokeballing: Keldeo Be Steppin In

Hey guys sorry bout the lack of posts over the past week, my work just re opened after renovations so there hasn't been time to write bout Pokemon. Yesterday release all the spoilers from the set after Dragons Exalted, called Freeze Bolt and Cold Flare (Japans sets always have such epic titles). Like the sets from the EX era before this one Freeze Bolt and Cold Flare will release another 6 legendary EX Pokemon into the meta. Among these 6 EX Pokemon will be one that has caught my eye quickly.....Keldeo

Keldeo-EX - Water - HP170
Basic Pokemon
Ability: Step In
Once per turn (before your attack), if Keldeo-EX is on your Bench, you may switch it with your Active Pokemon
[C][C][C] Secret Sword: 50+ damage. Does 20 more damage for each [W] Energy attached to this Pokemon.
When Pokemon-EX has been Knocked Out, your opponent takes 2 Prize cards.
Weakness: Grass (x2)
Resistance: none
Retreat: 2

I love this card and when the set is released in North America I will be picking up a playset of this card. Keldeo joins Kyogre and Kyurem as one of the only EX Pokemon we have for the water type, and while Kyurem hasn't seen alot of play and Kyogre has just recently hit the spotlight thanks to National Champion John Roberts II, Keldo has a huge upside.

Looking at its stats Keldeo is very well rounded, which is what we wanna see on a card that's gonna give up 2 prizes if its knocked out. Its HP weighs in a 170 which is the standard for EX Pokemon and assures that even with weakness its gonna take a two shot to knockout Keldeo. Speaking of weakness, Keldeo is packing a amazing Grass weakness. Grass has always been a very underplayed type in the Pokemon TCG, with its last high point being the immovable Torrterrible, and with no actual heavy grass attackers thus far you can be assured your Keldeo is not going to be a easy take down. The retreat of two is very manageable when you factor in Keldeo is a Basic and can take advantage of the ever popular Skyarrow Bridge.

Keldeo comes with a very useful ability that can and will save you whenever you use it. Step In allows you to switch your benched Keldeo with your active Pokemon. This is amazing as it makes you immune to Pokemon Catcher for the most part, and forces your opponent to kill your set up Pokemon in one shot or face the wrath of Keldeo once again.

Speaking of Keldeos wrath, Secret Sword is the water version of Mad Kinesis only stronger and better. Secret Sword comes with a cost of 3 Colorless energy and does 50 plus 20 for each water energy attached to Keldeo. Now even though you can power it with any attack you clearly want to do this with water energy. With 3 water energy attached to Keldeo you will be doing a sweet 110 damage, which will two hit KO anything big in the format.

Now you might wonder how you can use this awesome attack effectively. Well right off the bat one should also look to the Freeze Bolt/Cold Flare set for Blastoise. Blastoise comes with the always nice to have Rain Dance which as we all know allows for as many water energy attachments as you like per turn. Blastoise also doubles as a good back up attacker as its Hydro Pump does 60 plus 10 for each water energy attached to him. Klinklang decks will also welcome Keldeo to the already impressive attackers the deck can use. Always keep in mind that Prism and the soon to be released Blend Energy WLFM will also count as water energy for Keldeos Secret Sword.

Keldeo EX could just be the Pokemon that Rain Dance decks need to become powerhouses in this new format that soon will be upon us. With a solid attack and a amazing ability Keldeo should be on everyones wish list when Freeze Bolt and Cold Flare land in North America in November.

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