Monday 16 January 2012

A Pokeballing Next Destinies Preview: The Ball Engine

Engines have been around in pokemon for a long time and have generally been really good or amazing. Some Engines that come to mind are the SP engine(Cyrus's Conspiracy, Energy Gain, Poke Turn, Power Spray, SP Radar), The Arceus Engine(Beginning Door,Ultimate Zone, Ripple Swell Arceus), and more recently The Fire Engine( Roast Reveal NInetales, After Burner Typholsion Prime). All of these engines were created to help a specific decktype dominate, now pokemon is adding in a new engine that players are simply calling The Ball Engine.

Now when you think of Balls in pokemon you think of Pokeball, Great Ball, Dual Ball etc. and with a few minor instances these cards arent that great. However, these 3 cards are actually pretty good so lets take a look.

Level Ball – Trainer’s Goods
Choose 1 Pokemon from your deck with HP of 90 or less, show it to your opponent, and put it in your hand. Shuffle your deck afterward.
You can use any number of Goods cards during your turn

First up on the list is Level Ball this card is great for decks that run alot of support from stage 1 pokemon like Ninetales and Eelektrik. Right now in the current meta we have only 1 item card that searches for any pokemon you want and its relied on the fact that you need a pokemon in hand to use it. Level Ball will search for that Ninetales and Eelektrik to run start your comboes. Level Ball will also search for Mew Prime, Shaymin UL and Pachirisu if your running ZPS, Victini, Dodrio, the card has so many uses in our current meta right now.

Heavy Ball – Trainer’s Goods
Choose 1 Pokemon from your deck with a retreat cost of 3 or more, show it to your opponent, and put it in your hand. Shuffle your deck afterward.
You can use any number of Goods cards during your turn.

As of right now the only meta deck i can see the use of this card is Eelzone. Magnezone is a 3 retreat pokemon and again being able to search this card really early and fast could easily win you the game.

The last card from The Ball Engine is in the japanese Reshiram EX/Zekrom EX decks and i am not 100% sure we will get it in our set even though it combines some of the cards from the decks with the japanese set it comes from. However I feel like talking about this card now cause its gonna be played if it comes out.

Ultra Ball – Trainer’s Goods
This card can’t be used unless you discard 2 cards from your hand.
Choose 1 Pokemon card from your deck, show it to your opponent, and put it in your hand. Shuffle your deck afterward.
You can use any number of Goods cards during your turn.

This is the evolution of pokemon searches hands down. Eelzpne and Reshipholsion will love this card as not only will it fetch there engine cards, it will also allow them to dump more energy into the discard pile. other decks will also enjoy the chance to get dead cards out of there hands to search for more pokemon to better their chances of winning.

So The Ball Engine is looking to be the way of the future, providing more and faster ways to search for pokemon in this meta that runs so many decks that need fast set ups to win.

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