Wednesday 2 May 2012

Pokeballing: Deck Garage #1

So I was looking for ideas for today's blog (which i tried to write last night but couldn't do) and i decided to do some deck stuff for whats big in our format right now. With Battle Roads about to start and Nationals coming so fast its nice to know as much as we can about the decks we are going to see at these events. My first Deck Garage (pending name change lol) is gonna be on one of the fastest decks this format has to offer, CMT(Celebii/Mewtwo/Tornadus)

Deck Name:CMT

Pokemon 9/10
4 Celebii Prime
2/3 Mewtwo EX
3 Tornadus

Supporters 11
3 Juniper
3 N
2 Sages Training

Trainers 16
4 Junk Arm
4 Pokemon Catcher
3 Dual Ball
3 Skyarrow Bridge
1 Poke Gear 3.0

Energy 14
10 Grass
4 Double Colorless Energy

Total: 51/52 (8/9 deck slots open for other cards)

This deck has a very fast very effective strategy, and that's to get as many energy into play using Celebii Primes Forest Breath. Mewtwo EX and Tornadus are the main attackers here as Tornadus allows you to move your Grass energy from itself onto your Mewtwo EX to increase the amount of Damage Xball can do. Depending on what your opponent is playing and their start this deck can be capable of some very fast game ending Donks or will put you so far ahead in Prizes your opponent will be struggling for the rest of the game.

In this very base skeleton of the deck the Pokemon are very straight forward. Celebii is only in here for its Forest Breath Pokemon Power which will let you attach another Grass energy to a benched pokemon while Celebii is active. This combines with Skyarrow Bridge very nicely as you can open Celebii attach a Double Colorless to a Benched Tornadus or Mewtwo EX then use Celebiis power to attach a Grass and then retreat for free and start scoring fast knockouts. Tornadus is a great opening attack and as long as you can keep attaching Grass energy to him every turn he will power up your benched Tornadus or Mewtwo EX. Mewtwo EX is by far the most splashable attacker we have this format and with the proper planning X Ball can do massive damage, just becareful not to get on the losing end of a Mewtwo war.

The Trainer line is very basic for most decks, allowing you for fast set up and never having useless cards in hand. Dual Ball is a very popular choice lately and has seemingly replaced Pokemon Collector as the top Pokemon retrieval card. Dual Ball allows for Pokemon searches even if you don't draw it opening hand but get it off of one of your many draw supporters. Junk Arm is a must for every deck as reusing trainers such as Catcher, Dual Ball and any tech choices you make. The draw supporters kind of speak for themselves as they are run in every deck.

a straight energy line here as you don't need Psychic cause your never gonna use the weaker Psydrive attack on Mewtwo EX. 10 Grass will increase your chances of drawing into it opening turn to use with Celebii. Double Colorless will allow for fast first turn Mewtwo EX hits if you have to go that route.

Mewtwo or Tornadus
The big issue here is when to attack with Mewtwo EX and when to use Tornadus. From what I have seen Tornadus is usually better for the opening turns of the game. With Celebii Prime as your starter Tornadus can possibly be swinging for 80 first turn depending on your draw, while Mewtwo will only hit for 60. Tornadus also allows for getting energy onto Mewtwo EX as well with Hurricane. Mewtwo EX should mostly be your clean up attacker, and used if you are close to winning the game. Smart plays with Mewtwo EX will keep you from getting caught up in a Mewtwo war that you may or may not come out on top of. In games that i have seen Tornadus has done most of the heavy work so to speak, while Mewtwo has been used to revenge kill. A popular move is when Tornadus gets knocked out to promote Mewtwo catcher up your opponents Mewtwo and take the kill for 2 prizes.

These are some of the techs i have seen in CMT

Regigigas EX- A strong Colorless attacker splashable in here as a strong late game sweeper, good for the Zekeel match since Tornadus has a Lightning Weakness.
Shaymin UL- Its Celebration Wind Pokemon Power allows you to move all energy to a attacking Mewtwo EX to maximise the damage X Ball will do.
Smeargle- The other starter of choice for this deck, with Skyarrow Bridge you can start Smeargle use its Portrait Pokemon Power to look and use a supporter then retreat for free and start abusing Forest Breath.
Virizion NV- This is another card I have seen in this deck as tech. This card can be a early game knockout of your opponents Tynamos/Cleffa/Tyrouge without having to risk your main attackers being revenge killed. This is also a great attacker for the Terrakion match as it will hit the builds that don't run Landorus really hard.
EXP Share- Attach these to your Bench Pokemon and when a Tornadus or Mewtwo is knocked out you can attach one basic energy to each Pokemon that has a EXP Share attached to it.
Eviolite- Can be used to prevent 20 damage from being done to your Pokemon that has Eviolite attached to it. Personally if given the choice between this and EXP Share I would rather have EXP Share.

So there you have it mostly everything you need to know about CMT. This deck is incredibly fast and is capable of producing hard hitting attackers on the first turn to start taking prizes before the opponent has any time to set up.

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