Saturday 19 May 2012

Pokeballing: Landorus/Terrakion

For myself the Battle Roads Spring/Summer season begins June 3rd in Kingston, Ontario. This is probably the more important of the two seasons as it gives you the best look at what your areas nationals are gonna be like meta wise. With hopefully three stops on this season for myself i have decided to play a Terrakion variant this time around.

Terrakion variants i believe will have a strong showing at this battle roads cause not only do we have Zekeels, we also will have people experimenting with Dark Pokemon. Of all the Terrakion variants we have in the format (Straight Terrakion, Landorus/Terrakion, and Troll) I am gonna run a Landorus version because i like that with the right cards it can start hitting for 80 and spreading 10 damage everywhere turn 2.

My Build

Pokemon (10)
4 Landorus
4 Terrakion
1 Cleffa
1 Shaymin (UL)

Supporter (9)
3 Sages Training
2 N
2 Professor Oaks New Theory
2 Professor Juniper

Trainer (29)
4 Junk Arm
4 Revive
4 EXP Share
3 Pokemon Catcher
3 Ultra Ball
3 Heavy Ball
3 Switch
2 Enhanced Hammer
2 Random Receiver
1 Super Rod

Energy (12)
12 Fighting

The Pokemon Line is very straightforward and serves a rather simple strategy. Landorus is the ideal starter for this deck as with 2 energy and either a ultra ball, junk arm, or sages training it can start swinging with Gaia Hammer turn 2. Gaia Hammer can also help to get bigger hp enemies into the 90 hp range so that Terrakion can always one shot with retaliate. Terrakion is your big beefy hitter which will also double as your Revenge Killer, doing a vicious 90 damage for 2 energy after your Landorus has done its job. Shaymin is in this deck to keep energy flowing smoothly as both Terrakion and Landorus need alot of it to attack. Cleffa just serves as a free retreat and can also be used to refresh bad hands.

EXP Share is the all-star of this deck as it allows you to have some slight form of energy acceleration in a deck that wouldn't normally afford it. Being able to attach one energy from a fallen Pokemon to any Pokemon with the tool equipped can turn the tide of the game in your favour as you will always have a Pokemon with energy to attack. The Ball Engine plays a huge role in this deck as it can not only do all your searching but Ultra Ball is a good early way to put a fighting energy into the discard pile to get that crucial turn 2 Gaia Hammer going. Cards like Junk Arm, Pokemon Catcher, and Switch are pretty self explanatory. The Supporters all focus on either changing your hand, drawing extra cards, and getting what you need cause with a deck like this you cant afford to have turns where your not doing anything. Revive is the last real key card in this deck as it can recycle your stream of attackers which are already a pain to Knockout.

A all fighting energy line is required for this deck for many reasons. First off with a all basic Energy line you wont run the risk of being Lost Removered or Enhanced Hammered. Also EXP Share can only work with basic energy.

This deck has a amazing match against Zekeels and Dark Decks, However it is not hindered by any of the other decks in the format either. CMT can hold you off with Tornadus which has a fighting Resistance to both Terrakion and Landorus, however a smart player will be able to play around this. The early spread helps keep Durant Decks in the Knockout range of Retaliate, which makes that match far easier for this deck then most.

I have begun play testing with this idea and will hopefully have several videos posted on my youtube channel very shortly for you all to see. Sorry bout the lack of articles this week, work and life have gotten in the way as well as the fact that not alot goes on in between events.



  1. I love this set.. I run one very similar. I kinda switch between sages and engineers questions.. what do ya think?!?

  2. I was actually also thinking of adding in some eviolites... maybe take out a heavy ball and revive or random reciever to add 2 eviolites?!?!?!?

  3. I was for sure thinking about engineers adjustments over sages training, however the Eviolites i am on the fence about personally in this deck since i need the bulk of my Pokemon to have EXP Share equipped to keep my energy flowing but by all means try it out in your build and let me know
