Sunday 3 June 2012

Pokeballing: Battle Roads Kingston

Today myself and 5 of my friends and teammates went to Kingston to partake in their Battle Roads as it was the first one we could go to. Throughout the week I had been testing a few ideas on what to play but in the end I decided to go with Zekeels as it was a deck I was very familiar with and I had traded for a Raikou EX on Friday.

3 Zekrom
3-3 Eelektrik
2 Thundurus
2 Smeargle
1 Mewtwo EX
1 Zekrom EX
1 Tornadus EX
1 Raikou EX
1 Stunfisk

4 Juniper
3 N
3 Sages Training
3 Collector
4 Junk Arm
4 Catcher
3 Level Ball
2 Random Receiver
2 Sky Arrow Bridge

10 Lightning
4 Double Colorless

This was the list I came up with for what I wanted to do and how I wanted to run the deck. I opted for Collector over Dual Ball for one reason, I forgot to test with Dual Ball this week. Other odd choices for this deck to me were my lack of Eviolite and Switch, the latter of which I couldn't find room for in the deck.

There were 11 masters and the people from Belleville made up over half of the tournament. This made me feel a little bit uneasy cause whenever I play my teammates I always draw horrible opening hands and that's fine at home.

Round 1 VS Mario (Zekeels)
Right off of the bat I am one of the two games that featured Belleville people paired up against each other. I start horrible and cant get energy going which lets him take two prizes early game. I play well timed Catchers on his Eelektrik to try and set a slower pace but he always gets answers off his draws. Now alot i can do but whatever sacks happen.

Round 2 VS Patricia (Zekeels/w Raikou EX)
Another mirror match and I open Zekrom to her Zekrom EX (she had a full art which made me very jealous). I am energy logged again (which never happened during play testing) and she scores 3 early prizes with Zekrom EX before I am able to get rolling. Plays with Tornadus EX and this games MVP Stunfisk allowed me to keep in the game dropping us down to a even two prizes each with my active Stunfisk KOing her Raikou EX and Zekrom. She had a few options here and instead of going with the active Zekrom and KOing Stunfisk she opts to bring her Zekrom EX with 100 damage on it to take out my Stunfisk. I really feel she forgot about my benched Tornadus EX here as I was able to promote it next turn and KO Zekrom EX winning a very hard fought game. Game of the day for me

Round 3 VS Glen (Donphan/Terrakion)
I get to go first and he flips over Phanpy to my Thundurus, making me very uneasy about how to play this game since Donphan can one shot all my non EX Pokemon and two shot my Lightning EX Pokemon. I use Random Reciever and it gets me a collector which I use to get Tornadus EX a Tynamo and a Smeargle, and I use Charge. He draws and places a Terrakion on the bench which makes me feel very bad cause this deck can now wreck my entire day. I attach a Lightning to Thundurus and use Disaster Volt for 50 and say go. He Evolved into Donphan Prime and KO'ed my Thundurus. The game gets a bit hard to remember from here, but Tornadus EX was easily what won this game for me. It kept me alive and landed four of my six knockouts, and was able to stay alive. Near the end of the game he was forced to use a Seeker to return a Terrakion with 30 HP left to his hand which allowed me to return my injured Tornadus EX to my hand keeping it alive to deal more damage. Mewtwo EX wins the game for me two hit KO'ing a Groudon EX that was Catchered up. Another close game

Round 4 VS Mitchell (Durant)
This pairing made me a little sad for two reasons, Mitchell is my teammate so whoever wins this would probably knock the other one out of top 4 and he is playing Durant. He starts Cobalion and Rotom to my lone Tynamo and I go first. I played Collector to get a Thundurus, a Smeargle and a second Tynamo. I promoted Smeargle played a Skyarrow Bridge and used Portrait for a second Collector getting Zekrom EX, Zekrom and Raikou EX. He played his Collector getting two Durant and a second Cobalion attached to his active and said go. I drew and evolved into Eelektrik and used Portrait again. For the rest of the game I use combinations of my Junk Arms and Catchers to maneuver around his active Cobalion (which had 2 special Metal and Eviolite) switching attacks from Raikou EX and Thundurus to keep ahead in prizes. He inadvertently gave me the game when his Random Receiver gave him his one Seeker, which i portrait'ed to return my injured Raikou EX to my hand. This allowed me to make harder decisions easier so to speak.

We had Top 4 placing with top 2 playing for 1st and 2nd. I came 4th which was good enough for me as i really wanted to put a horrible Cities championships behind me (didn't win a single game at cities)

the standings were:
1st Mario (Zekeels)
2nd Rob (CMT)
3rd Justin (CMT)
4th Me (Zekeels)

So I am off to a good start heading into my month of Pokemon hopefully i can adjust and have good finishes in Pickering and Oshawa on the 16th of June.

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