Tuesday 26 June 2012

Pokeballing: Penguins for all

My teammates and I have started play testing for the bw-on format coming in September. Among the decks we have been play testing is Empoleon/Terrrakion, due to Empoleon being able to hit for massive damage and its ability to keep your hand active with Diving Draw.

My build

Pokemon (16)

4 Piplup

2 Prinplup

4 Empoleon

3 Terrakion

3 Lapras (NXD Call for Family

T/S/S (31)

4 Professor Juniper

3 Cheren

3 N

4 Pokemon Communication

3 Rare Candy

3 Pokemon Catcher

3 Switch

3 Plus Power

2 Random Receiver

2 EXP Share

1 Enhanced Hammer

1 Super Rod

Energy (13)

9 Water

4 Fighting


This decks whole purpose is to get as many Empoleon out as fast as you can to start drawing cards and hitting hard with Attack Command. Terrakion combined with EXP Share fits nicely with this deck and covers Empoleons Electric weakness very nicely allowing Retaliate to one shot Darkai EX and all Electric threats. Lapras is a amazingly nice addition to this deck, seeing as the Bw-on format is lacking cards that search for multiple Pokemon at one time, a first turn Call for Family can get your Piplups out fast and allow you to begin evolving turn two.

The Supporter line is what you would expect to see in a Bw-On format, with focus on draw power. Juniper is hands down the best draw card we have in this game right now and will continue to see play until it is eventually rotated out. Cheren is good if you just need some cards but don't wanna lose your current hand. On a side note Cheren combined with a couple of Diving Draw's is amazing. N is good for early game hand refreshes and late game can really mess your opponent up if your behind in the prize race.

On the Trainer side of things the line up is what you would expect for this upcoming format if you run a deck with stage two Pokemon. I myself have included Plus Power into this build to one shot full hp Zekrom with both benches full. Pokemon Communication is just in this build until I am able to get more copies of Ultra Ball. Super Rod is a card I am considering adding more of to this build since I burn through cards really fast with all the draw power, being able to recycle Empoleons and Piplups will allow me to keep from decking out.

The energy line is really straight forward, nine water and four fighting. The Terrakions are only in this build for Retaliates so no more then four fighting energy are needed for this build. Nine water is a solid number seeing as all my Empoleons attack for one water and EXP share allows me to attach that one water to a Terrakion enabling a next turn Retaliate easier.

Final Thoughts

This deck is a very consistent deck that is going to get alot of play time in the next format. The massive damage that Empoleon can do with Attack Command makes it a massive threat once it enters the fray. Terrakion will deal with the big threats to this deck and counters nicely for Zekeels and Darkrai builds. In a format that looks to be slower this deck has the strong potential to dominate a unprepared tournament scene and is something i will continue to test until I find the perfect build.

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