Saturday 16 June 2012

Pokeballing: Last Major Tourney of the Season

Sorry bout the lack of reading material the past few weeks, a combination of more shifts at work and really there just not being alot of Pokemon news has kept me off the presses so to speak.

Anyway today the team and I headed to Pickering to play in the Battle Roads there. Due to a series of events I will not be able to attend nats this year (sad face) so i decided to just build a fun little Celebii variant and play for fun not caring if i did well or not, as it would be my last major event of the season.

My deck
Pokemon (15)
4 Virizion (2 EPO, 2 NVI)
3 Celebii Prime
2 Smeargle
2 Tornadus
2 Tornadus EX
1 Shaymin EX
1 Mewtwo EX

Supporters/Trainers/Stadiums (31)
4 Professor Juniper
3 N
3 Cheren
3 Pokemon Collector
4 Junk Arm
3 Pokemon Catcher
3 Ultra Ball
3 Skyarrow Bridge
2 Random Receiver
2 Eviolite
1 Enhanced Hammer

Energy (14)
10 Grass
4 Double Colorless Energy

I built this simply cause I love both Virizion and believe that they are both very good cards, and since I was just aiming to have fun, I was committed to the fact that I was either gonna do amazing or bomb.

The deck works very similar to CMT except I am swinging with Virizions all the time, outside of that everything works the same.

So we had 18 to 20 masters and that gave us a 5 round tournament with a top 4 finish. Of the twenty or so people there i get paired with a teammate first round.

Round 1 vs KyuremGATR
So i get paired up with my teammate Andrew first round, which saddens me greatly. I lose the die roll and he opens Totodile and a Kyurem EX to my lone Smeargle, fortunately he has no energy and cant do anything. I take my turn and play a Pokemon Collector and get a Tornadus a Virizion and a Celebii Prime. I play a skyarrow bridge and retreat my Smeargle for Celebii attached a Double Colorless and a Grass and say go. His next turn is the same as last time only with a energy attachment to Kyurem EX. I draw attach two grass energy to Virizion and retreat Celebii for Tornadus and use Hurricane to Knockout Totodile and take a prize moving my energy to Virizion. He promotes Kyurem EX and still cant get anymore basic. Two turns later this game is done, tough break for him.


Round 2 vs Entei EX/Volcarona
I am saddened by this match as due to the majority of Grass in my deck its a uphill battle. For the first few turns neither one of us are getting anything going (3 turns of N and Professor Oaks New Theory and i draw the same hands twice) finally he is able to speed ahead of me with the combination of Entei's first attack and Volcaronas Scorching Scales. I am able to get a Tornadus EX active but he starts playing Catchers on my Virizions and one shotting them. He plays Potion and Max Potions to negate any damage I was doing to him.GG


Round 3 vs VvV
A Bad start seals my fate pretty early as I am unable to Knockout both of his Oddishs, and he is able to get a turn two Vanniluxe. I cant do anything after this and even though I have several Virizion and other attackers ready I cant break the lock. Afterwards we were talking and he said if i had switch's I would have easily overpowered him,Something to keep in mind.


Round 4 vs Zekeels
This is my favourite game of the day and probably the best one I played. I opened strong and used Pokemon Catcher and N to keep his Eels off the field, finally he got one out and we traded prizes i used N and Catchers to keep him off balance but he finally pulled a catcher of his own and brought up my injured Mewtwo EX and Knocked it out with Zekrom EX.


So my two teammates had to play eachother and decided to drop so I did as well. I was actually very impressed with how the deck flowed and given the results of today I am really contemplating fixing it up while we still have certain cards in the format.

Now that my season is over I am gonna take some time over the next few days and weeks to sit and take a look at some foreign nats results, and I wanna start a indepth look at the future BW-On format.

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