Monday 30 April 2012

Pokeballing: Getting New Players Started

So a friend was asking me about what is a good fun deck to play in the Pokemon TCG today. It got me thinking out of all the current top tier meta decks right now which one is the easiest to acquire the majority of the cards for.

Of all the top tier decks in the current meta right now, Zekeels is by far the easiest to acquire cards for.

Here is all the things you will need to buy to build the base skeleton of Zekeels rather easily.


Noble Victories Furious Knights theme deck is the fastest and easiest way to acquire both Tynamo and Eelektrik. This deck is also a good way to get your hands on N and Switch as well as Super Rod and Great Ball, cards that if your a new player testing the waters of this TCG, will take the place of certain cards that are harder to obtain. To build a good working skeleton of Zekeels i would suggest two of these.
2x Furious Knights Theme Decks. $29.98


The Voltage Vortex Theme Deck from Next Destinies will provide players with 2 Zekroms. This deck also provides great Supporter cards like Professor Juniper, and Cilan. Also this deck provides Level Balls, which makes searching for your Eelektriks that much easier. This is another deck that I would consider buying 2 of since we are doing this on a slight budget the extra Junipers and Level Balls will help cover cards that you cannot acquire cheaply.
2x Voltage Vortex Theme Deck $29.98


Forces of Nature is perhaps the last necessary piece to building this skeleton as it provides you with Thundurus. This package also provides with you with Tornadus as well which will serve your well as a counter to Fighting Pokemon like Terrakion and Landorus. Also on a nice side note two of the packs in this set may provide you with Pokemon Catchers which are a staple in all decks, and the Call of Legends also has many great trainers in the set as well such as Professor Oaks New Theory, Copycat, Dual Ball, Lost Remover and Sages Training (which is played alot in most Zekeel builds). I would suggest two or more of these since the packs are a great way to build your trainer line and the spare Thundurus and Tornadus can be used to trade for other common cards you need. For the skeleton only 2 are actually needed.
2x Forces of Nature $29.98 ( might be able to be picked up for cheaper depending on your area)

so with these three things put together we sit with a grand total of 89.94 for the base skeleton of a top tier deck. Keep in mind that if you enjoy this game and wanna take it to a professional level such as Cities, Provincials, Regionals and Nationals you will need to add some things to it.

Other Products to buy
Explosive Edge Starter deck- Skyarrow Bridge, Cheren
Zekrom EX Tin-Zekrom EX
Noble Victories Packs- Terrakion, Eviolite, more Eelektrik
Next Destinies- Mewtwo EX, Zekrom EX, Skyarrow Bridge
Emerging Powers- Pokemon Catcher, Great Ball (see below)
Call of Legends
HS-Triumphant- Junk Arm
Heart Gold Soul Silver- Pokemon Collector

The last two packs may be harder to come by as the sets are older. Also it should be noted that come September of this year we might hit another set rotation. This means that Triumphant and Heart Gold
might be rotated out.

Sunday 29 April 2012

Pokeballing: Zekeels

Since i am a avid card buyer i have been able to input alot of card codes into the Pokemon tcg online simulator and build a very similar Zekeels build to what i have now in real life and upon my 5 matches i have won with it a few things have come to mind.

Now some may ask what makes Zekeels such a amazing deck this format. The answer to this is simple, a well built Zekeels deck has a perfect game. What this means is that the deck has a different Pokemon to handle the opponent early, mid and late game.

Early Game
Thundurus takes centre stage for this deck in the early stages of a match. Charge is a great first turn attack as it starts your acceleration right off the bat without set up. Disaster Volt is amazing early turn especially if you go first as you will be scoring quick knockouts and disrupting your opponents strategy right away. Disaster Volt also allows you to fuel your Dynamotors. Something i am trying online due to lack of Zekrom EX is Tornadus. Tornadus is a great way to rotate energy around as with a Double Colorless Energy and repeated attachments of lightning you can also begin powering up bench Pokemon with Hurricane while still scoring knockouts.

Mid Game
This is when you really wanna take advantage of your Zekroms and Eviolite. Zekroms raw power is most times unmatched in almost any match up except the Terrakion match (which destroys you) and the mirror (which can match you for power). Partnered up with Catcher, Zekrom is an amazing way to destroy your opponents set up Pokemon. Mid game is also where your revenge killers will play a huge role in this deck. with Zekrom dealing massive damage to everything, Pokemon that may be able to knock Zekrom out will also likely be in HP range for either Bouffalant or Terrakion to score cheap effective knockouts when you need them most (remember Terrakion hits the Mirror match very hard).

Late Game
This is where in most cases Zekrom EX and Mewtwo EX will take you home. Zekrom EX deals a destructive 150 damage for two energy discard, this is great for attacking other ex Pokemon, especially Mewtwo. Against Mewtwo this discard could be what saves you from being knocked out on your opponents turn as it will prevent Mewtwo from having the amount of energy needed to score a knockout with X-Ball. Mewtwo is of course your counter to opponents Mewtwo, just be careful how you play it or it may be knocked out just as fast.

Zekeels is just a really solid deck right now in the meta, and may be the best deck in the current format. With strong attackers for each point in the game and perhaps the strongest form of energy acceleration right now in Eelektrik's Dynamotor its easy to see why this deck has dominated both Provincials/States and Regionals this past year and its in a good position to stay in the top spot leading up to Nationals.

Saturday 28 April 2012

Pokeballing: Digital Beatdown

So recently I started seriously playing around with the Online Pokemon TCG site on I had tried this a while back but didn't have the proper computer for it (aka my laptop was a piece of trash). The concept of a online Pokemon card game site that functions exactly like the actual card game is something that i totally agree with. This is such a great to build decks and test them against a wide array of players and not just your own local meta (or lack there of in some cases).  This is very good for the player who wants to test a idea but doesn't wanna go out and buy all the cards for it, as it allows them to test against a wide array of decks with no cost to themselves. I have been fiddling around with the different things you can do with the game and was very excited to see that it came with a mini story mode and battles against a CPU opponent.

This is a ideal function for beginning players and will allow them to get well into the game while battling opponents that they can set to a beginning level. I cant really say more about this yet as I literally just started today and haven't really had the time to find online opponents yet but i hope to be doing so around Tuesday or Wednesday when I don't have to work till later on in the day. However, from what i can tell right now if your serious about playing this game and want to stay on top of your game this is the way to do it. For hardcore players like myself its easy to collect cards as buying a box of any set in the black and white era will net you one card code per pack making 36 in all and starter decks, tins and special editions that are released also give you card codes.

Throughout the weeks I intend to have some videos of games from the online tcg simulator up on the youtube channel me and my teammates run and hopefully will have some game reviews up on here in the near future as well. This will also help me prepare better for Spring Battle Roads and Nationals as i will now be able to play against a mass array of hopefully good players and not just my teammates.

For those of you who read this and are either already using or wanting to get a good start on this nice little simulator, my user name is Red_Rose_LV_X if i am online look me up and we will play some games.

Friday 27 April 2012

Pokeballing: The Best of The Rest

Continuing on from yesterdays topic of the EX Pokemon in Dark Explorers, I would like to look at some of the other really good cards we are gonna be seeing May 9th (or earlier pending if you all go to pre-release). Dark Explorers has a bunch of really amazing cards to add to our already large card pool, with a nice assortment of good Pokemon and Trainers coming our way.

So here is my top 5 Trainers up first

5.Holligans Jim and Cas- Supporter

Flip a coin, if heads choose 3 cards from your opponent’s hand without looking. Then, look at those cards, return them to your opponent’s deck and shuffle the deck.

You can only use one Supporter card during your turn.

This Trainer card interests me alot, and I can see real potential for it in a variety of decks. Sure it might require a coin flip but 3 random cards from your opponents hand is quite crucial Early game to stall your opponents setup,or after a N that they cant quite recover from mid to late game while your behind in prizes. While it does suck alittle bit that the cards go back into the deck this card is for sure worth a test in any deck that runs cards like N or Judge and is just good to disrupt your opponents plays, assuming you can flip heads.

4. Twist Mountain – Stadium
Each player may flip a coin once during his or her turn. If heads, he or she choose 1 Revived Pokemon card from his or her hand and plays it onto his or her Bench.

You can only bring 1 Stadium card into play during your turn. If a Stadium with a different name comes into play, discard this card.

This card easily should be played if you wanna run fossils, as the new fossil mechanic kind of sucks. Unfortunately Archeops hasn't been a big hit since most of the meta is basic decks that hit hard so even if you get Archeops out fast to stop their set up pokemon, one catcher will stop you cold. However this card is not a total washout and I will explain why when we hit the top 5 Pokemon.

3. Ultra Ball – Trainer
This card can’t be used unless you discard 2 cards from your hand.
Choose 1 Pokemon card from your deck, show it to your opponent, and put it in your hand. Shuffle your deck afterwards.
You can use any number of Trainer cards during your turn.

This card should have been released last set, but it was put off for unknown reasons. There is no reason not to run this card, none at all. Decks like Zekeels and the upcoming Dark.Dec love this card as it can be used to pile energy into the Discard Pile for big plays. Run it in mass numbers guaranteed.

2. Dark Claw – Tool
Pokemon Tool: To use a Pokemon Tool, attach it to one of your Pokemon. Each Pokemon can only have 1 card attached, and the card remains attached.
The attacks of the Dark-type Pokemon that this card is attached to do an additional 20 damage to any Active Pokemon.
You can use any number of Trainer cards during your turn.

This card and the next one easily put Dark Pokemon back in the spotlight. For those of you who remember Expert Belt this is kind of like its little brother so to speak. Being able to do 20 extra damage right now can be the game decider as that extra 20 damage on cards like Mewtwo EX and everything in Zekeels is crucial to winning those match ups and Eliminating threats faster.

1. Dark Patch – Trainer
Choose 1 Basic Dark Energy card from your discard pile and attach it to one of your Benched Darkness-type Pokemon.
You can use any number of Trainer cards during your turn.

Dark decks finally get some form of Acceleration in a Trainer card. This concept really interests me as it doesnt require you to have set up Pokemon that can be Catcher'd up, but its not incredibly broken since its a trainer and can be shut down (Gothitelle, Vileplume, Zebstrika (NXD)). With Ultra Ball being announced in a format that currently has Junk Arm getting Basic Dark Pokemon in the Discard Pile is not going to be hard at all.

Now i didn't include Enhanced Hammer in this list because in all honesty Lost Remover is still better.

Now for the Pokemon

5. Blaziken – Fire – HP140
Stage 2 – Evolves from Combusken
[R][C] Blaze Kick: 40 damage. Flip a coin, if heads this attack does an additional 30 damage. If tails the opponent’s Active Pokemon is now Burned.
[R][R][C] Flamethrower: 130 damage. Choose 1 Energy attached to this Pokemon and discard it.
Weakness: Water (x2)
Resistance: none
Retreat: 2

Blaziken provides a quick hitting powerful stage 2 Pokemon that can possibly do either 70 damage for 2 Energy or 40 and burn. Flamethrower is a nice little 3 energy attack that hits for 130 (the former magic number). Water Weakness is great and retreat cost of two is okay, Blaziken wont be tier one but it will still be a fun little strategy that will make for some good games.

4. Heatmor – Fire – HP90
Basic Pokemon
[C] Hot Tongue: 10 damage. If the opponent’s Active Pokemon is Durant, this attack does an additional 50 damage.
[R][C][C] Firebreathing: 50 damage. Flip a coin, if heads this attack does an additional 20 damage.
Weakness: Water (x2)
Resistance: none
Retreat: 1

All hail the mighty killer of Durant decks everywhere, well the ones that don't run Cobalion. Hot Tongue is the only reason to run this Anteater cause Durant is a pain in everyone's backside.

3. Empoleon – Water – HP140
Stage 2 – Evolves from Prinplup
Ability: Diving Draw
Choose 1 card from your hand and discard it. Then, draw 2 cards from your deck. You can use this ability 1 time during your turn.
[W] Attack Command: Does 10 damage times the total number of Pokemon in play.
Weakness: Lightning (x2)
Resistance: none
Retreat: 2

For those of us who dearly miss Claydol, we have a watered down (no pun intended) version of Cosmic Power. Diving Draw is possibly this cards biggest selling point as being able to discard unneeded cards like Pokemon Collectors you cant use or energy to draw 2 is great. Attack Command is a really great attack being able to hit for big damage for little energy (which prevents Mewtwo from one shotting you). Lightning Weakness is horrible with Zekeels dominating the meta right now, and 2 retreat is manageable. My only concern with this card is that your draw engine and your main attacker are both the same card so unless you can get multiples out your gonna be hurting bad if you lose it.

2. Aerodactyl – Fighting – HP90
Restored Pokemon – Play Aerodactyl on your Bench with the effect of Old Amber
Ability: Primal Scream
As long as this Pokemon is in play, your Pokemon’s attacks do an additional 10 damage to any Active Pokemon.
[C][C][C] Wing Attack: 40 damage.
Weakness: Grass (x2)
Resistance: none
Retreat: 1

This is the reason you would play Twist Mountain at all, and its actually a pretty good reason. Primal Scream gives you a constant plus power all the time. Its a interesting card and since there is no restriction on how many you can have active, the damage stacks. So if you have 4 Aerodactyls out your attacks are gonna do a additional 40 damage. Grass Weakness is amazing cause no one plays it, 1 retreat is good but your not gonna be using this card to attack

1.Zoroark – Darkness – HP100
Stage 1 – Evolves from Zorua
[C][C] Beatdown: Does 20 damage times the number of Darkness-type Pokemon you have in play.
[D][D] Dark Rush: Does 20 damage times the number of damage counters on this Pokemon.
Weakness: Fighting (x2)
Resistance: Psychic (-20)
Retreat: 2

This card is gonna be the other attacker in Dark.Dec. Beatdown is a solid attack that will hit for 120.....wait add a additional 10 for Special Dark.......wait add a additional 20 for Dark Claw.....ouch.  Dark Rush will almost never be used, as Zoroark will likely be Knocked Out fast. Terrakions rise in play make the Fighting Weakness very undesirable, Psychic Resistance is great against Mewtwo and the two retreat cost is okay.

These are just a few of the good cards coming in Dark Explorers and as Pre-release rolls closer and closer the meta is sure to change as Dark.Dec enters the format.

Thursday 26 April 2012

Pokeballing: The EX Pokemon of Dark Explorers

This coming Saturday marks the start of Pre-Releases for the newest Pokemon set of this format, Dark Explorers. While the obviously hyped Dark types have taken the spotlight thus far this set has quite a few really good cards in it that should make for some interesting decks. First up on the list today is the remaining EX Pokemon of this set

Raikou EX is first up on this list and this is probably in the top 3 from this set. Thunder Fang is a decent attack that should only be used if you can KO a opponents Pokemon with it. Volt Bolt is where its at for this card at the cost of all Lightning Energy attached to it you can do 100 damage anywhere on your opponents side of the field. This is very Similar to Blastoise(UL) only you discard the energy instead of returning it to your hand. Now at first glance this might not seem like a good attack until you remember we have Skyarrow Bridge and Eelektrik. Skyarrow Bridge gives Raikou the free retreat it badly needs, and Eelektrik will allow for multiple fast usage of Volt Bolt. I see Raikou EX seeing alot of tech play in Zekeels so be prepared cause there are now very few things on your bench safe. Fighting Weakness really sucks with Terrakion and Landorus seeing much more play in a Zekeels format thus far.

Entei is a interesting card that i myself wouldnt mind toying around with. Fire Fang is a great attack when combined with the Volcarona from Dark Explorers as its ability will place 4 damage counters onto burned pokemon should your opponent flip tails. Grand Flame is a nice little attack that will allow you to attach a fire energy from your discard pile to 1 benched Pokemon. With some card investment i could see Entei being a nice little Revenge hitter for Reshipholsion decks as he can come up and KO pesky EX Pokemon that have knocked out your Reshirams and help Typholsion Prime with Energy Acceleration. The Retreat Cost is a little upsetting but you can run Switchs to counter this, and Water weakness is really good as there are very few dedicated Water decks around.

Tornadus EX is probably the second best EX Pokemon in this set, and its easy to see why. Blow through is a great attack as most decks that will run Tornadus will run a Stadium (Skyarrow Bridge for free retreat) so your almost guaranteed that 60. Power Blast is a straight up attack nothing fancy about 100 damage for 3 energy and a possible discard. Lightning Weakness is not a good Weakness to have right now, but the Fighting Resistance means Zekeels will tech this in for a Terrakion counter. I can also see CMT (Celebii/Mewtwo/Tornadus) running this either in place of or with Tornadus EPO (Emerging Powers).

Groudon was supposed to be in our Next Destinies set but was held back in favour for a full art Reshiram EX and Zekrom EX. My opinion of Groudon has changed however, given the way the format has gone. Terrakion/Landorus has become quite the power house deck and I feel that Groudon could hold a nice spot in this deck until we get Terrakion EX. Tromp is a nice way of spreading damage (keep in mind that Landorus also spreads damage) and Giant Claw is a devastating attack after a few Gaia Hammers or Tromps. Water weakness is great cause like with Entei, Water isnt really run in a dedicated deck. Lightning Resistance is amazing with Zekeels proving to be the deck to beat this format. The retreat is really high but Terrakion Landorus decks should run Switch anyways. Also its good to point out that Groudon is fetchable by Heavy Ball which is also a good choice for Terrakion Landorus decks.

Kyogre EX was another Pokemon that was excluded from our Next Destinies set. Unfortunately where my opinion of Groudon has changed, Kyogre is still bad. In as few words as possible Kyurem from Noble Victories does everything Kyogre does only better. Glaciate is a better dual splash (yes i know its less damage but you get everything on your opponents side of the field) and Outrage will almost always outperform Smash Turn. Also Kyurem has a much preferred Metal weakness to Kyogres horrible Lightning weakness.

I didnt include Darkrai in this analysis cause i am sure everyone knows what it does and how its kind of broken. Luckily with the exception of Kyogre alot of other decks get alot of power options, so this is all in all a good set. Pre-Releases start this weekend so I hope you all pull good and have a good time.

Ps Thanks to google for providing pictures

Wednesday 25 April 2012

Pokeballing: Two Scoops of Vanilluxe Please.

Vanilluxe/Vileplume/Victini is a deck that shuts down all of your opponents options providing you with multiple locks. Vileplume sports the always hated Trainer Lock keeping your opponent from using those pesky Pokemon Catchers, Crushing Hammers, Junk Arms, and Rare Candies. While Vanilluxe locks your opponent from attacking and retreating through Paralysis. Victini is in the deck for its Victory Star ability allowing you to reflip coins should your Vanilluxe fail to cause Paralysis.

 Next Destinies brought another fantastic option to the field for this deck in a brand new flavour of Vanilluxe, one that comes with its own fantastic ability.

The Ability Slippery Soles gives you the option of putting opponents heavy retreating or low HP Pokemon into the active slot while under Trainer Lock. This is very crucial as it will still allow you to possibly pick off potential threats and secure easy prizes. The Attack Crushing Ice is good if you pull up heavy retreat cost Pokemon Like Regigigas EX, Terrakion, Set up Pokemon like Emboar. Weakness to Metal is actually really good as the only real Metal Pokemon that see play are Durant and maybe the odd teched Cobalion in 6 Corners and Durant. The 2 Energy retreat cost is not a big deal as you will be trying to run dodrio in the deck which will allow you to retreat for free.

Now this Vanilluxe is not gonna replace the one we got in Noble Victories, its simply gonna act as a tech card to keep you on the offense and keep your other Vanilluxe alive longer.

Sample Decklist

Pokemon (24)
4 Vanillite
2 Vanillish (NV)
3 Vanilluxe (NV)
1 Vanilluxe (NXD)
2 Oddish
2 Gloom
2 Vileplume
2 Doduo
2 Dodrio
2 Cleffa
1 Victini

Supporter 11
3 Pokemon Collector
3 N
3 Twins
1 Professor Juniper
1 Professor Elms Training Method

Trainer 13
4 Rare Candy
4 Pokemon Communication
3 Level Ball
2 PokeGear 3.0

10 Water
2 Double Colorless

This is the base of the regular VvV deck only with the added Next Destinies Vanilluxe. The Pokemon line is pretty straight forward, Vileplume to lock out Trainers, Noble Victories Vanilluxe to cause Paralysis and stop your opponent from attacking or retreating, Victini to make sure that Vanilluxe causes Paralysis. Dodrio serves as a nice way to retreat around Pokemon Catcher should you not be able to get your Trainer Lock up fast enough. Next Destinies Vanilluxe provides its Slippery Soles ability to keep your opponent from building any sort of offense.

The Supporter and Trainer line works in synch with Vileplume and should help you get the Trainer Lock up very fast. All your non Supporter Trainers are designed to get you your Pokemon fast and get them evolved quickly. Professor Elms Training Method is in the deck because it will enable searching of your many evolutions while under Trainer Lock. Twins is a must in this deck since you will be setting up slower your opponent will likely KO one of your Pokemon.

The important thing to remember here is to set your Trainer Lock up as soon as possible, and its also why I made note to make sure your Vanillish is the one from Noble Victories. The Vanillish from Noble Victories also packs a Paralyzing attack which will help you out if you cant Rare Candy to Vanilluxe before Vileplume is set up.

Monday 23 April 2012

Pokeballing: Dark.Deck

Dark Explorers hits stores May 9th with players first chances to get the cards from this amazing set starting this coming weekend. Perhaps the biggest things to come out of this set is perhaps the dark deck support we are receiving.

Dark Pokemon have not been in the spotlight of this game since Sableye took the world by storm with the Sablelock deck that dominated most big tournaments during its time. Since then the type has become neglected, with Zoroark from Black&White seeing play for a short time as a Revenge Killer.

With Dark Explorers release we see a brand new Zoroark come onto the scene with Darkrai EX, Dark Patch, and Dark Claw in tow.

Zoroark – Dark – HP100
Stage 1 – Evolves from Zorua
[C][C] Beatdown: Does 20 damage times the number of Dark-type Pokemon you have in play.
[D][D] Dark Rush: Does 20 damage times the number of damage counters on this Pokemon.
Weakness: Fighting (x2)
Resistance: Psychic (-20)

Darkrai EX – Dark – HP180
Basic Pokemon
Ability: Darkness Cloak
As long as this Pokemon is in play, all of your Pokemon with any Dark Energy attached to them have no Retreat cost.
[D][D][C] Night Spear: 90 damage. Choose 1 of your opponent’s Benched Pokemon, and this attack also does 30 damage to that Pokemon. (Don’t apply Weakness and Resistance when damaging the Bench.)
Pokemon-EX Rule: When Pokemon-EX is Knocked Out, your opponent takes 2 Prize cards.
Weakness: Fighting (x2)
Resistance: Psychic (-20)
Retreat: 2
Dark Patch – Trainer
Choose 1 Basic Darkness Energy card from your discard pile and attach it to one of your Benched Darkness-type Pokemon.
You can use any number of Trainer cards during your turn.

Darkness Claw – Tool
Pokemon Tool: To use a Pokemon Tool, attach it to one of your Pokemon. Each Pokemon can only have 1 card attached, and the card remains attached.
The attacks of the Darkness-type Pokemon that this card is attached to do an additional 20 damage to any Active Pokemon.
You can use any number of Trainer cards during your turn.

Zoroark can be a very devastating powerhouse hitting hard as you fill your bench with Dark Pokemon. Darkrai EX provides free retreat to anything with a Dark energy attached to it. Dark Patch is amazing as its gonna provide you with Energy Acceleration without having to worry about your accelerator being Pokemon Catchered up. Darkness Claw is very much like a Expert Belt letting you do a additional 20 damage (keep in mind Special Dark allow you to do another 10 damage as well)

With the Nationals Approaching can this potential powerhouse deck knock Zekeels off of its throne and perhaps keep the dreaded Mewtwo EX in check only time will tell.

Sample Decklist

Pokemon 15
4 Zorua (Ascension)
3 Zoroark (Dark Explorers)
1 Zoroark (Black&White)
3 Darkrai EX
2 Mewtwo EX
2 Cleffa

Supporter 11
3 Pokemon Collector
3 N
3 Sages Training
1 Juniper

Trainer 19
4 Junk Arm
3 Ultra Ball
3 Pokemon Catcher
3 Dark Patch
3 Darkness Claw
2 Lost Remover
1 Super Rod

Energy 15
7 Basic Dark
4 Special Dark
4 Double Colorless

This is just a base skeleton of what a Dark beat deck could look like. Obviously you need to add in a fighting counter or Terrakion/Landorus will rip you apart. Mewtwo unfortunately is a requirement for any deck to counter Mewtwo though in this deck its not totally necessary as all your Dark Pokemon come with a Resistance to Psychic.

This is a idea that is for sure gonna be tested and with Spring Battle Roads the last stop before the biggest tournament of the year commences it will also be Dark.Decks first chance to shine.

Sunday 22 April 2012

Pokeballing: Heatmor....Durants Demise or Slight Annoyance

With Dark Explorers due for a May 9th release and pre-release tournaments beginning this weekend one card come with a potential meta breaking attack and that Pokemon is Heatmor

Heatmor – Fire – HP90
Basic Pokemon

[C] Hot Tongue: 10 damage. If the opponent’s Active Pokemon is Durant, this attack does an additional 50 damage.
[R][C][C] Firebreathing: 50 damage. Flip a coin, if heads this attack does an additional 20 damage.
Weakness: Water (x2)
Resistance: none
Retreat: 1

Right now the Pokemon meta is either play Mewtwo as a deck or a counter to Mewtwo, or you play Durant. Durant is a amazing deck because with the right hand you can start milling the top 4 cards of your opponents deck before they even take a turn. This is a counterable strategy but most counters require some set up, which is why Heatmor was created i assume. On the surface Heatmor looks like the answer anti Durant players have been looking for, with a cost of one Colorless Energy you can do 10 damage plus 50 more if your ugly anteater is attacking one of those damn metal ants. While this will almost guarantee the death of your opponents active Durant, I still feel Heatmor is a bit lacking as a reliable counter. For example running one Cobalion in a Durant build will negate Heatmors impact as a counter, as after 1 Iron Breaker your Heatmor will be left with 10 hp and not be able to attack next turn. Also when you think about it attaching one energy to Heatmor also wastes your one regular attachment for the turn and if you need to get some heavier attacks going and cant get to your engine (Typholosion Prime and Eelektrik) then your wasting that attachment. Durant decks run Pokemon Catcher, Revive, Junk Arm, and Crushing Hammer so removing your Energy or sending your Heatmor back to the bench to bring up a high retreat cost Pokemon is very likely.

Now this isn't to say that Heatmor shouldn't be run at all, its still a one shot to any Durants and if you can catch your opponent off guard your lone anteater should be able to destroy your opponents field quite easily but with some Durant builds running the ever powerful Mewtwo EX the chances of your anteater getting eaten are just as possible as you running over your opponents field.

All in all the face of this game is changing rapidly and as Dark Explorers draws near there will be a vast array of new cards and new decks and tech coming. Heatmor is just one of the many techs that could see lots of play at the upcoming Spring Battle Roads.

Saturday 21 April 2012

Pokeballing: Mini Tourney Report

So today Mitchell and I decided to head down to Action Packed Comics in Kingston, Ontario. Every Saturday the store hosts a Pokemon league, and we decided to get some practise and get back into the swing of the game we opted to play and make some trades

Bout half way through the league the players decided to each pay 2 dollars and get a small 3 round tournament going. after paying our money we paired up and began to play. This gave me a really good chance to test my Zekrom/Eelektrik build.

my build

Pokemon 15
3 Tynamo (30 hp free retreat)
3 Eelektrik
3 Zekrom
2 Zekrom EX
2 Thundurus
1 Shaymin EX
1 Terrakion

Supporters 9
3 N
3 Sages Training
3 Pokemon Collector

Stadiums 2
2 Skyarrow Bridge

Trainer 20
4 Junk Arm
3 Pokemon Catcher
3  Eviolite
3 Pokemon Communication
2 Level Ball
2 Switch
2 Pokegear 3.0
1 Super Rod

Energy 14
8 Lightning
4 Prism
2 Double Colorless

This build to me seemed to be a solid build since i don't own Mewtwo EX.

Round 1 Vs Dave (Crobat Prime/Zoroark)
Dave is a amazing player who judges or plays in pretty much every big event. He is also known for his amazing rogue decks (in fact during one trip to Kingston he beat Mitchell's Reshiboar deck with a deck that utilised the Shining Gyarados from Heart Gold&Soul Silver).

Anyway we both started bad my lone Shaymin EX to his Sigilyth, the one from Emerging Powers with Reflect. we both started really slow too, both drawing and passing till finally he was able to produce a Crobat which used Severe Poison to KO my Shaymin EX ( I couldn't get a set up started as he had used Skill Dive to kill my one Tynamo) he was able to take 4 prizes on me before i was able to produce a Zekrom with Eviolite attached. I was able to take out the Crobat keeping myself alive after his Zoroark attacked me with Bolt Strike (go Eviolite). I was able to bring it down to a one prize game when a well timed N dropped us both to one card. My high risk play paid off as he was not able to draw the energy needed to KO my Eelektrik with 20 hp left. Good game Dave and I look forward to having another.

Round 2 Vs Austin (Durant)
Now Durant is the bane of Eel decks as we need a few turns to get going and Durant can start milling right off the first turn with one Durant and a Collector. He went first and opened a Durant and played a Collector milling four cards right off the bat. I was able to bring it down to three prizes but he hit Crushing Hammer 5 out of 7 times to keep me stalled and milled all my Zekroms which prevented me from getting back into the game. Not alot i could do against that kind of god draw and good coin flips.

Round 3 Vs Mitchell (Durant)
Right off the bat I knew I was gonna lose this one, as his deck runs Cobalion still which shuts down my attacks. I started a Tynamo to his Cobalion, and after not drawing a single supporter card all game Cobalion  shut me down.

So i came away from the day with a 1-2 record and realising that i really need to tech in for my Durant match. Right now I am thinking of V-Create Victini from Noble Victories as it will enable me to hit the entire deck for 200 damage so long as i keep my bench full. Revive is also something i am contemplating as it would enable me to bring back discarded Zekrom which helps in the match as well.

As always i quite enjoyed my Pokemon day in Kingston, its such a good group of players there who really enjoy the game and it was great to get caught up on whats big and whats sort of fallen out of the top tier. Hopefully I will be able to go back soon as the road to Nationals continues.

Friday 20 April 2012

Pokeballing: Getting to Know The Players 2

Back again with another round of Getting To Know The Players!

Player Profile
Mitchell Green is one of my closest friends and one of my teammates, A skilled Pokemon player. Mitchell broke onto the competitive scene in the MD-On format running Charizard which he took to respectable runs at the 2010 Canadian Regionals and 2010 Canadian Nationals. With Nationals once again approaching this year Mitchell hopes to attain a Worlds invite.

Like before these are the questions asked

1. How long have you been playing Pokemon?:
2. Why did you start playing Pokemon?:
3. Whats your favourite Pokemon set?:
4. What are you currently running and why?:
5. What do you think of the current meta?:
6. Whats your favourite thing about the Pokemon organized play program?:
7. Whats your least favourite thing?:
8. Do you think Dark Explorers will have a impact on the current meta?:
9. Early predictions for Canadian Nationals:

And Here we go
1. How long have you been playing Pokemon?: 
I have been playing off and on since base set .

2. Why did you start playing Pokemon?:
I started to play because of the video games for the gameboy, I really liked them so I wanted to see what the card game was like. And I end up liking it so I kept on playing.

3. Whats your favourite Pokemon set?:
My favourite set is tied between Base set and Fire Red and Leaf green

4. What are you currently running and why?:
The deck that I'm currently running is Durant. I'm running Durant because it's mostly common and I really like how the deck win's without taking any prizes and watching your Durant's mill your opponents best cards is kind of funny.

5. What do you think of the current meta?:
I like that there are lot a different deck being right now and they all do different stuff and have "Neat" ways of winning. But with having EX back into the game I'm a little worried that is going to get a little expensive because of them which will hurt the meta a little . Also I don't like how most games now are staring to come down to who lose their EX first which could hurt the meta a bite but I'm sure with a couple more good EX the force will balance out a little and people are still winning with out them so it's not that bad yet. All in all I think the is ok.

6. Whats your favourite thing about the Pokemon organized play program?:
Organises play is fine it has some problem but which ones doesn't ? 
It also feels more calm then most other card games that I play in .
7. Whats your least favourite thing?:
I would like to more bigger tournament's and better prizes

8. Do you think Dark Explorers will have a impact on the current meta?:
I haven't looked to much in to the set dark stuff looks neat I like that we get the "New" dragons in the set afterwards but no support for the new type out side of that I know nothing about this set.

9. Early predictions for Canadian Nationals:
My prediction is some guy with a deck that has Pokemon cards is going to win ;]

Thursday 19 April 2012

Pokeballing:The Pre-Release

So in the coming weeks we get our first real peek at Dark Explorers with prereleases April 28th-29th and May 5th-6th. Dark Explorers is the next set in our so far young EX format, and will bring us great cards such as Darkrai EX, Tornadus EX(maybe), Raikou EX, Dark Patch and Dark Claw.

A prerelease is possibly one of the most unpredictable tournaments in the Pokemon season. Not really knowing   what you will be running or playing against makes preparing for it nearly impossible. Also Pokemon prerelease tournaments play shorter 4 prize games as opposed to the normal 6 prize games.

Here is a run down on what will happen at a prerelease.
1. You arrive at the location and register for the event.
2. Once the event starts each player will be given 6 packs of cards to build a 40 card with (tournament organizers provide energy).
3. Next you enter a short (4+ rounds pending on number of players) tournament playing 4 prize games.
4. At the end of the tournaments a deck box will be handed out with the prerelease card and two more packs.

While there is no real way to prepare for certain decks that you may see, you can however be prepared to build the best deck possible. I have been to 3 prereleases myself (Undaunted, Call of Legends, Emerging Powers), and at these 3 my pulls ranged from meh (CoL, EP) to great(UD). Even with my not so great pulls having a good knowledge of the sets helped me build reliable decks to finish with okay records.

Certain things you can do
1. Take a good look at the set of the tournament you are attending. Make sure to pay attention to what the heavy favoured type is (eg Undaunted was mostly Dark and Steel). This will allow to be have a frame of a deck in mind if you pull cards that help those themes. This is also helpful for teching in weakness (eg. The Hitmonlee from Undaunted was heavy played as tech to counter Dark decks).
2. Always make sure to separate your cards when you open packs. Sorting your cards that you pull into Pokemon and Trainer will help you to not overlook any good cards you might have pulled.
3. Energy is your friend. Given the fact that most sets now don't really sport a lot of good trainers heavier Energy lines can be game breaking as you will be running more heavy Energy attackers.

Prerelease tournaments are a lot of fun and a good way to test your deck building skills. Prerelease tournaments are also a very good way for newer players to build a card pool very quickly as 8 packs of cards is a lot of packs for a newer player who doesn't have a lot of cards to begin with.

Dark Explorers Pre-releases begin April 28th-29th and end May 5th-6th, and the set releases May 9th.
Cost: 35 (great price for what you get)

Wednesday 18 April 2012

Pokeballing:The Evolution of Acceleration

Energy acceleration has been a very prominent factor in alot of the top Pokemon decks this format as we have seen Reshipholosion, Reshiboar, Magneboar, CMT, Eelzone, Zekeels, and KyruemGatr shine in a format that has been very rewarding to those that can get there accelerators set up first. However this shouldn't really be that surprising of a discovery as Energy acceleration has been around since the beginning of the Pokemon TCG. Back in Base Set it was Blastoise that gave players the ability to attach multiple Water Energy a turn to their Water Pokemon to swing early and hard. This is a concept that has taken so many twists and turns in the game itself.

As the game evolved so to speak so did the forms of Energy acceleration. The EX block of cards for example brought us Firestarter, a Pokemon Power that allowed for the attachment of Energy from your discard pile to your benched Pokemon once per turn. Great Encounters kept the ball rolling with Sceptile and its Wild Growth Poke Body which brought us a new form of Acceleration. Wild Growth allowed all Grass Energy attached to your Grass Pokemon to count as 2.

Even with all of that The Heart Gold Soul Silver really brought the play style into the spotlight. With Feraligatr Prime packing Rain Dance, and Typholosions Afterburner being a more potent version of the Firestarter. Typholosion Primes Pokemon Power is backed by the sets Ninetales and Roast Reveal making it possibly the most effective and reliable engine in the game today. Triumphant also added to this play style giving us Celebii Prime, who while at first seemed mediocre at best now paired with Mewtwo EX has risen to the top of the meta.

The Black and White block has thus far shown consistency in continuing to promote this deck type as it has released quite a few different Pokemon with the ability to attach multiple Energy a turn. Black and White itself has brought Fire type decks Emboar which boasts Rain Dance but for Fire Energy (also allowing attachment to any type of Pokemon). While Noble Victories brought us Eelektrik and Dynamotor a version of Firestarter for Electric Energy.

The results of Energy Acceleration cant be argued with, as Reshipholosion (Typholosion Prime/Reshiram), Eelzone (Eelektrik/Magnezone Prime), Reshiboar (Reshiram/Emboar), KyruemGatr (Feraligatr Prime/Kyruem) and CMT (Celebii Prime/Mewtwo EX/Tornadus) have all enjoyed massive success since the format change back in July 2011.

All forms of this idea are not only quick and efficient as well as consistent, but they are all also easy to build fun to play and relatively cheap (with the exception of CMT). To any players looking to get back into the game or start playing in my opinion these decks are the best decks to start with.

Pokemon with some form, of energy acceleration that are legal for the current format

Feraligatr Prime(Heart Gold&Soul Silver), Typholosion Prime(Heart Gold&Soul Silver), Celebii Prime(Triumphant),Emboar(Black&White),Eelektrik(Noble Victories),Gardevoir(Next Destinies)

Tuesday 17 April 2012

Pokeballing: My Thoughts on the Top 8 from Canadian Regionals

This past weekend was the 2012 Pokemon Canadian Spring Regional Championships, held in Toronto Ontario. The Pokemon season begins in the fall and runs through till the World Championships in August starting again in the next fall after the set rotation. Regionals is probably the biggest tournament at this point in the season as it gives the players a good idea of what to expect at Spring Battle Roads and then at The Nationals. Now while not a lot of information has been released thus far from browsing Regional reports on Pokegym i happened upon a report that gave the names of the top 8 and what they were playing. So without further ado here are the top 8 standings from this past weekend.

Top 8 for Ontario Regionals:
1st- Corina C. (6-0) w/ CMT (CDN) (Celebii/Mewtwo/Tornadus)
2nd- Awais K. (5-1) w/ Zekeels (CDN)
3rd- Shaun D. (5-1) w/ Zekeels (CDN)
4th- Josh M. (5-1) w/ Durant (CDN)
5th- Eric M. (5-1) w/ Donphan/Dragons/Mewtwo (CDN)
6th- Harrison D. (4-2) w/ Troll (USA) (Tornadus/Terrakion/Mewtwo)
7th- Allan X. (4-2) w/ Zekeels (CDN)
8th- Brendon L. (4-2) w/ Durant (CDN)
and here is the final standings after the top 8 finished

1st- Harrison D. (USA) w/ troll (Tornadus/Terrakion/Mewtwo)
2nd- Josh M. (CDN) w/ Durant
3rd- Corina C. (CDN) w/ CMT (Celebii/Mewtwo/Tornadus)
4th- Awais K. (CDN) w/ Zekeels
5th- Shaun D. (CDN) w/ Zekeels
6th- Eric M. (CDN) w/ Donphan/Dragons/Mewtwo
7th- Allan X. (CDN) w/ Zekeels
8th- Brendon L. (CDN) w/ Durant

so in the top 8 we had
3 Zekeels
2 Durant
1 Donphan/Dragons/Mewtwo
1 Troll

This is a very diverse top 8 that really shows the meta right now in all of its glory.

Zekeels is quite possibly the best deck in the format right now as it makes use of hard hitters like Zekrom, Mewtwo EX and Zekrom EX in combination with Eelectriks Dynamotor to power up multiple attackers with ease.
Durant still remains one of the most consistent decks today as it seriously messes with your opponents strategy by milling cards that they need to keep themselves in the game. On a side note it takes 120 damage from a Mewtwo to knockout a Durant that has a Special Metal Energy and Eviolite attached to it (120-10(sp.Metal)-20(Eviolite)-20(resistance)=70). To also help counter the threat of Mewtwo, 2nd place Durant player Josh M used a Mewtwo of his own.
The Donphan deck is the rogue anti meta deck of choice as it allows for solid use of Zekrom,Kyruem, and Reshiram on its own and for extra power ran Mewtwo EX.
Troll is new to me so I don't really know anything about it or how it works (sorry).
CMT is perhaps one of the most hyped decks this format and Corina showed why during the swiss going undefeated for the day.

Overall this tournament proved what we all already knew.......MEWTWO EX is the best attacker this format hands down. From what we can see and tell Mewtwo EX was in at least 7 of these top 8 decks and probably many more that didnt make it. Like Luxray GL Lv.X and Yanmega Prime before it, Mewtwo is the big play in the current meta as you either run it as a attacker, or a counter to your opponents Mewtwo.

Battle Roads Spring is the last stop on the road to Nationals, and I hope to attend one or two to get back into form for the biggest Canadian Pokemon event. So many questions will be answered in the coming months one of which is just how much Impact will the looming Dark Explorers set have on the meta and Mewtwos Dominance.

Monday 16 April 2012

Pokeballing: Getting to Know The Players!

So decided yesterday that i would go on a slight brainstorm to come up with new ideas to keep me writing a steady stream of articles for everyone which will also in turn help me keep myself up to date on the game itself (sometimes i am quite lazy when it comes to this). This is gonna be a interview style idea to get to know the players that make this wonderful game exciting. I am gonna start small with just some of the local players then work my way up to maybe doing some video interviews at events if this works.

So to start off these are the questions that I have decided to ask for the first test run
1. How long have you been playing Pokemon?:
2. Why did you start playing Pokemon?:
3. Whats your favourite Pokemon set?:
4. What are you currently running and why?:
5. What do you think of the current meta?:
6. Whats your favourite thing about the Pokemon organized play program?:
7. Whats your least favourite thing?:
8. Do you think Dark Explorers will have a impact on the current meta?:
9. Early predictions for Canadian Nationals:

Player Profile: Mario Filice
Mario Filice of Belleville Ontario is a newer player on the competitive Pokemon scene, though has yet to make his debut in the bigger tournaments. Mario also plays the Yugioh Trading Card Game which he writes blogs for (I have also guest wrote for these blogs) and has a Youtube channel SkillOverLuck.

1. How long have you been playing Pokemon?
I've been playing competitively since the summer of 2011. I've played it on and off casually since it was first released.
2. Why did you start playing Pokemon?
Pokemon are cool.

3. Whats your favourite Pokemon set?
The first Black and White set: Its the set that started off my competitive career.

4. What are you currently running and why?:
 My main build is Reshiboar. The deck is my opinion has everything a good deck should have: Energy-placing acceleration (Emboar), effective draw engine (Ninetales) and strong attackers (Reshiram and Reshiram Ex). The deck also makes great use of powerful supporters and items that other decks cannot (Fisherman, Energy Retrieval).

 5. What do you think of the current meta?:
Mewtwo Ex is definitely controlling the meta. Certain players play it because it fits really well in almost everything, while other players play it to counter the opponent's Mewtwo Ex. The Pokemon in our meta seem to be a little overpowered: However I still believe the Meta is very skill-based, and requires correct decisions when such decisions have to be made, or it can cost you the game.

 6. Whats your favourite thing about the Pokemon organized play program?:
I haven't had any tournament experience with this game yet... From what I've read, organized play does seem fairly organized. I particularly like the age divisions.

 7. Whats your least favourite thing?:
There appear to be not enough tournaments in general.

 8. Do you think Dark Explorers will have a impact on the current meta?:
Yes. Dark Pokemon will finally be playable.

 9. Early predictions for Canadian Nationals:
A deck with Mewtwo will win.

So my first sort of Pokemon interview, obviously still in the beta stages of development but something i would like to keep trying to do with my locals and maybe once perfected moving on to bigger players.

Before I sign off would just like to give out the top 8 results of the Canadian Spring Regional Championships that just happened this past weekend

Top 8 for Ontario Regionals:
1st- Corina C. (6-0) w/ CMT (CDN)
2nd- Awais K. (5-1) w/ Zekeels (CDN)
3rd- Shaun D. (5-1) w/ Zekeels (CDN)
4th- Josh M. (5-1) w/ Durant (CDN)
5th- Eric M. (5-1) w/ Donphan/Dragons/Mewtwo (CDN)
6th- Harrison D. (4-2) w/ Troll (Terrakion/Tornadus/Mewtwo) (USA) -Winner!
7th- Allan X. (4-2) w/ Zekeels (CDN)
8th- Brendon L. (4-2) w/ Durant (CDN)

as you can see a varied top 8 this time around which shows that we have a very deep meta right now, at some point this week I would like to have a look at this list and give some more thoughts and insight about what this means for Canadian Nationals June 30th-July 1st ( I am gonna be there this year kind of excited)

Sunday 15 April 2012

Pokeballing The Past: Cards They Should Remake.

In the many years that the Pokemon TCG has been around we have seen many cards come and go. Some of these cards have seen new versions either as reprints with modified effects (Energy Retrieval, Revive)
or older cards reprinted with new names (Pokemon Trader with Pokemon Communication, Pokemon Breeder with Rare Candy, Gust of Wind with Pokemon Catcher). However there are a lot of good cards that have been released that have never seen a reprint. After posting a post on the local Card Game Facebook group a friend said to me that i should write about some of these great cards. So here is Pokeballings top ten cards that need to be reprinted (keep in mind these are in no particular order)

10. Time Shard
Pokemon Tool
If the Pokemon this card is attached to is Knocked Out by damage from the Defending Pokemon's attack during your opponent's next turn, you may return up to 2 basic Energy cards attached to that Pokemon to your hand.
Attach Time Shard to 1 of your Pokemon that doesn't have a Pokemon Tool attached to it.

Time Shard has so many uses when combined up with Rescue Energy in decks like Gardevoir/Gothitelle, Reshiboar, Feraligatr Prime decks. The two together will enable you to not only get your Pokemon back (as well as the Pokemon under it if its a stage 1 or 2) but two of the energy cards as well enabling you to keep setting up your Emboar and or Feraligatr Prime if they have been catchered up and killed.

Choose up to 2 in any combination of Pokemon Tool cards and Stadium cards in play (both yours and your opponent's) and discard them.

Cards like Skyarrow Bridge and Evolite have become huge in the current meta allowing already powerful basic decks like Durant, CMT, and 6 Corners (to name a few) the option to retreat for minimal costs and take much more damage while they rip you apart. A return of a card like Windstorm would enable you to put the hurt on your opponent by destroying those Stadiums and Pokemon tools.

8. Lass
You and your opponent show each other your hands, then shuffle all the Trainer cards from your hands into your decks.

Now i know since the release of Lass in Base Set trainers have been split up into three different categories. However, powerful set up cards like Rare Candy, Pokemon Catcher and the Ball Engine are all still classified as Trainers. Gardevoir/Gothitelle would benefit from this amazingly as Gothitelle will make those Trainers useless then you can play a Lass reprint and shuffle all those cards back into your opponents deck.

7. Computer Search
Discard 2 of the other cards from your hand in order to search your deck for any card and put it into your hand. Shuffle your deck afterwards.

Who doesn't love a Junk Arm that searches your deck for anything.....nuff said

6.Expert Belt
Pokemon Tool
The Pokemon this card is attached to gets +20 HP and that Pokemon's attacks do 20 more damage to your opponent's Active Pokemon (before applying Weakness and Resistance). When the Pokemon this card is attached to is Knocked Out, your opponent takes 1 more Prize card.
Attach Expert Belt to 1 of your Pokemon that doesn't have a Pokemon Tool attached to it.

The ultimate double edged sword card, Expert Belt provided you with a massive power increase for a potentially fatal cost as a late game Expert Belt either gave you the win or led to your defeat. In the next set Dark decks get a little version of this card so perhaps a reprint isn't so farfetched.

5. Pokemon Power: Set Up (Uxie LA)
Pokemon Power:Set Up
Once during your turn when you play Uxie from your hand onto your bench you may draw cards till you have 7 in your hand.

For those of us who don't remember or know Uxies power. Its simple i play all my cards have a lone uxie in my hand play it draw 7 cards i win. The reprint doesn't even have to be of Uxie just the Power.

4. Quick Search Poke Power (Pidgeot FrLg)
 Pokemon Power: Quick Search
Once during your turn (Before you attack) you may search your deck for 1 card and add it to your hand. You may only use 1 Quick Search Pokemon Power a turn. This power Cant be used if Pidgeot is affected by a Special Condition.

I played heavy during Pidgeots run at the top and i used this card so much. Again like Uxie this doesn't have to be on a Pidgeot it could be on anything.

3. Boost Energy
Special Energy
Boost Energy can be attached only to an Evolved Pokemon. Discard Boost Energy at the end of the turn it was attached. Boost Energy provides [C][C][C] Energy. The Pokemon Boost Energy is attached to can't retreat. If the Pokemon Boost Energy is attached to isn't an Evolved Pokemon, discard Boost Energy. Doesn't count as a basic Energy card. 

Decks like MagneBoar, EelZone, as well as decks that have attackers whose damage output is based on the number of energy attached to all Pokemon ( I remember a combo with the Venusaur from Crystal Guardians) will love this card. As a extra plus decks like CMT or anything that runs Mewtwo EX wont be able to abuse it, one of my favourite Special Energy cards of all time.

2. Call Energy
Special Energy
Call Energy provides [C]Doesn't count as a basic Energy card. 

Call Energy when combined with Pokemon Collector and any other search card set up your bench in one turn. The common play on the first turn was play Collector attach Call Energy use effect end turn, in one move you have everything you need to start making your plays.

1. Broken Time Space
Each player may evolve a Pokemon that he or she just played or evolved during that turn.
This card stays in play when you play it. Discard this card if another Stadium card comes into play. If another card with the same name is in play, you can't play this card.

With so much focus lately on Basic Pokemon decks that require Evolution need some more love so to speak. Broken Time Space would give decks like VV(Vanniluxe/Vileplume), Gardevoir/Gothitelle, Emboar variants, Magnezone variants and so many more the speed to play at the same pace as fast moving quick KO'ing Basic decks.

These are just a few of the many cards (and I guess certain Pokemon powers/bodies) that many of us would like to see be reintroduced into the Pokemon TCG, there are far to many to even begin to name, and as the game itself continues to evolve and bring even more set rotations and cards into the meta i am sure there will be many, many more.

Tuesday 10 April 2012

Pokeballing Returns: Exploring Dark Explorers

Hello everyone I am back and ready to go once again with my thoughts on sets the meta and everything else Pokemon. First I must apologise for the hiatus, due to technical difficulties my Pokemon season had to take a brief break and during that time i focused more on the other games i play. Now its time to dive back into the Pokemon TCG and I cant think of a better way then previewing our new set hitting stores May 9th, Dark Explorers

Right off the bat i wanna talk about what i think is the coolest part of this new set, the Dark type Pokemon support. In this current format Dark type decks have so many amazing Pokemon such as Tyrannitar Prime, Hydregion, and Zoroark just to name a few. However, most of these Pokemon have their drawbacks for instance Tyrannitar and Hydregion have such steep energy costs.

First up on the Dark support list is Darkrai EX

Darkrai EX – Dark – HP180
Basic Pokemon
Ability: Darkness Cloak
As long as this Pokemon is in play, all of your Pokemon with any Darkness Energy attached to them have no Retreat cost.
[D][D][C] Night Spear: 90 damage. Choose 1 of your opponent’s Benched Pokemon, and this attack also does 30 damage to that Pokemon. (Don’t apply Weakness and Resistance when damaging the Bench.)
Pokemon-EX Rule: When Pokemon-EX is Knocked Out, your opponent takes 2 Prize cards.
Weakness: Fighting (x2)
Resistance: Psychic (-20)
Retreat: 2

I love Darkrai EX for the ability Darkness Cloak more then the attack myself. Having free retreat in this game right now is amazing with Pokemon Catcher being so heavy played right now. Darkness Cloak will prevent your opponent from bringing up heavy retreat steep energy attackers to stall while they set up. Don't get me wrong though Night Spear is a amazing attack, being able to do 90 to a active and smack benched Pokemon for 30. Psychic resistance is also majorly noteworthy as Mewtwo EX is very heavy played in at least 3 different decks.

For those of you who have vivid memories of using Expert Belt to destroy your opponent then Dark Pokemon decks might just be for you as Darkness Claw prepares to enter the meta

Darkness Claw – Tool
Pokemon Tool: To use a Pokemon Tool, attach it to one of your Pokemon. Each Pokemon can only have 1 card attached, and the card remains attached.
The attacks of the Dark-type Pokemon that this card is attached to do an additional 20 damage to any Active Pokemon.
You can use any number of Trainer cards during your turn.

Dark Pokemon like Tyrannitar Prime already have many high HP damaging attacks such as Megaton Tail which does a base 120. Add Darkness Claw onto that and your hitting for 140 killing everything non EX in the current format. This card also benefits from not having Expert Belts drawback of losing two prizes when the attached Pokemon dies.

Finally my personal favourite card from this set is the Trainer-Item card Dark Patch

Dark Patch – Trainer
Choose 1 Basic Dark Energy card from your discard pile and attach it to one of your Benched Dark-type Pokemon.
You can use any number of Trainer cards during your turn.

Dark Patch brings something that a deck with Energy hungry Pokemon needs badly, Energy Acceleration. Pokemon like Tyrannitar Prime have attacks that require a massive amount of energy and this card allows for faster power ups of your benched Pokemon. With cards like Junk Arm, Sages Training, and when its finally released Ultra Ball getting basic Dark Energy into your discard pile is a very easy task. and being able to attach two energy a turn makes cards like Hydregion and Tyrannitar Prime, two of hardest hitting attackers the Dark type has this format much more viable.

I myself am very much looking forward to this set as it has the potential to bring the Dark type into the spotlight this format.