Wednesday 18 April 2012

Pokeballing:The Evolution of Acceleration

Energy acceleration has been a very prominent factor in alot of the top Pokemon decks this format as we have seen Reshipholosion, Reshiboar, Magneboar, CMT, Eelzone, Zekeels, and KyruemGatr shine in a format that has been very rewarding to those that can get there accelerators set up first. However this shouldn't really be that surprising of a discovery as Energy acceleration has been around since the beginning of the Pokemon TCG. Back in Base Set it was Blastoise that gave players the ability to attach multiple Water Energy a turn to their Water Pokemon to swing early and hard. This is a concept that has taken so many twists and turns in the game itself.

As the game evolved so to speak so did the forms of Energy acceleration. The EX block of cards for example brought us Firestarter, a Pokemon Power that allowed for the attachment of Energy from your discard pile to your benched Pokemon once per turn. Great Encounters kept the ball rolling with Sceptile and its Wild Growth Poke Body which brought us a new form of Acceleration. Wild Growth allowed all Grass Energy attached to your Grass Pokemon to count as 2.

Even with all of that The Heart Gold Soul Silver really brought the play style into the spotlight. With Feraligatr Prime packing Rain Dance, and Typholosions Afterburner being a more potent version of the Firestarter. Typholosion Primes Pokemon Power is backed by the sets Ninetales and Roast Reveal making it possibly the most effective and reliable engine in the game today. Triumphant also added to this play style giving us Celebii Prime, who while at first seemed mediocre at best now paired with Mewtwo EX has risen to the top of the meta.

The Black and White block has thus far shown consistency in continuing to promote this deck type as it has released quite a few different Pokemon with the ability to attach multiple Energy a turn. Black and White itself has brought Fire type decks Emboar which boasts Rain Dance but for Fire Energy (also allowing attachment to any type of Pokemon). While Noble Victories brought us Eelektrik and Dynamotor a version of Firestarter for Electric Energy.

The results of Energy Acceleration cant be argued with, as Reshipholosion (Typholosion Prime/Reshiram), Eelzone (Eelektrik/Magnezone Prime), Reshiboar (Reshiram/Emboar), KyruemGatr (Feraligatr Prime/Kyruem) and CMT (Celebii Prime/Mewtwo EX/Tornadus) have all enjoyed massive success since the format change back in July 2011.

All forms of this idea are not only quick and efficient as well as consistent, but they are all also easy to build fun to play and relatively cheap (with the exception of CMT). To any players looking to get back into the game or start playing in my opinion these decks are the best decks to start with.

Pokemon with some form, of energy acceleration that are legal for the current format

Feraligatr Prime(Heart Gold&Soul Silver), Typholosion Prime(Heart Gold&Soul Silver), Celebii Prime(Triumphant),Emboar(Black&White),Eelektrik(Noble Victories),Gardevoir(Next Destinies)

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