Tuesday 17 April 2012

Pokeballing: My Thoughts on the Top 8 from Canadian Regionals

This past weekend was the 2012 Pokemon Canadian Spring Regional Championships, held in Toronto Ontario. The Pokemon season begins in the fall and runs through till the World Championships in August starting again in the next fall after the set rotation. Regionals is probably the biggest tournament at this point in the season as it gives the players a good idea of what to expect at Spring Battle Roads and then at The Nationals. Now while not a lot of information has been released thus far from browsing Regional reports on Pokegym i happened upon a report that gave the names of the top 8 and what they were playing. So without further ado here are the top 8 standings from this past weekend.

Top 8 for Ontario Regionals:
1st- Corina C. (6-0) w/ CMT (CDN) (Celebii/Mewtwo/Tornadus)
2nd- Awais K. (5-1) w/ Zekeels (CDN)
3rd- Shaun D. (5-1) w/ Zekeels (CDN)
4th- Josh M. (5-1) w/ Durant (CDN)
5th- Eric M. (5-1) w/ Donphan/Dragons/Mewtwo (CDN)
6th- Harrison D. (4-2) w/ Troll (USA) (Tornadus/Terrakion/Mewtwo)
7th- Allan X. (4-2) w/ Zekeels (CDN)
8th- Brendon L. (4-2) w/ Durant (CDN)
and here is the final standings after the top 8 finished

1st- Harrison D. (USA) w/ troll (Tornadus/Terrakion/Mewtwo)
2nd- Josh M. (CDN) w/ Durant
3rd- Corina C. (CDN) w/ CMT (Celebii/Mewtwo/Tornadus)
4th- Awais K. (CDN) w/ Zekeels
5th- Shaun D. (CDN) w/ Zekeels
6th- Eric M. (CDN) w/ Donphan/Dragons/Mewtwo
7th- Allan X. (CDN) w/ Zekeels
8th- Brendon L. (CDN) w/ Durant

so in the top 8 we had
3 Zekeels
2 Durant
1 Donphan/Dragons/Mewtwo
1 Troll

This is a very diverse top 8 that really shows the meta right now in all of its glory.

Zekeels is quite possibly the best deck in the format right now as it makes use of hard hitters like Zekrom, Mewtwo EX and Zekrom EX in combination with Eelectriks Dynamotor to power up multiple attackers with ease.
Durant still remains one of the most consistent decks today as it seriously messes with your opponents strategy by milling cards that they need to keep themselves in the game. On a side note it takes 120 damage from a Mewtwo to knockout a Durant that has a Special Metal Energy and Eviolite attached to it (120-10(sp.Metal)-20(Eviolite)-20(resistance)=70). To also help counter the threat of Mewtwo, 2nd place Durant player Josh M used a Mewtwo of his own.
The Donphan deck is the rogue anti meta deck of choice as it allows for solid use of Zekrom,Kyruem, and Reshiram on its own and for extra power ran Mewtwo EX.
Troll is new to me so I don't really know anything about it or how it works (sorry).
CMT is perhaps one of the most hyped decks this format and Corina showed why during the swiss going undefeated for the day.

Overall this tournament proved what we all already knew.......MEWTWO EX is the best attacker this format hands down. From what we can see and tell Mewtwo EX was in at least 7 of these top 8 decks and probably many more that didnt make it. Like Luxray GL Lv.X and Yanmega Prime before it, Mewtwo is the big play in the current meta as you either run it as a attacker, or a counter to your opponents Mewtwo.

Battle Roads Spring is the last stop on the road to Nationals, and I hope to attend one or two to get back into form for the biggest Canadian Pokemon event. So many questions will be answered in the coming months one of which is just how much Impact will the looming Dark Explorers set have on the meta and Mewtwos Dominance.

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