Wednesday 25 April 2012

Pokeballing: Two Scoops of Vanilluxe Please.

Vanilluxe/Vileplume/Victini is a deck that shuts down all of your opponents options providing you with multiple locks. Vileplume sports the always hated Trainer Lock keeping your opponent from using those pesky Pokemon Catchers, Crushing Hammers, Junk Arms, and Rare Candies. While Vanilluxe locks your opponent from attacking and retreating through Paralysis. Victini is in the deck for its Victory Star ability allowing you to reflip coins should your Vanilluxe fail to cause Paralysis.

 Next Destinies brought another fantastic option to the field for this deck in a brand new flavour of Vanilluxe, one that comes with its own fantastic ability.

The Ability Slippery Soles gives you the option of putting opponents heavy retreating or low HP Pokemon into the active slot while under Trainer Lock. This is very crucial as it will still allow you to possibly pick off potential threats and secure easy prizes. The Attack Crushing Ice is good if you pull up heavy retreat cost Pokemon Like Regigigas EX, Terrakion, Set up Pokemon like Emboar. Weakness to Metal is actually really good as the only real Metal Pokemon that see play are Durant and maybe the odd teched Cobalion in 6 Corners and Durant. The 2 Energy retreat cost is not a big deal as you will be trying to run dodrio in the deck which will allow you to retreat for free.

Now this Vanilluxe is not gonna replace the one we got in Noble Victories, its simply gonna act as a tech card to keep you on the offense and keep your other Vanilluxe alive longer.

Sample Decklist

Pokemon (24)
4 Vanillite
2 Vanillish (NV)
3 Vanilluxe (NV)
1 Vanilluxe (NXD)
2 Oddish
2 Gloom
2 Vileplume
2 Doduo
2 Dodrio
2 Cleffa
1 Victini

Supporter 11
3 Pokemon Collector
3 N
3 Twins
1 Professor Juniper
1 Professor Elms Training Method

Trainer 13
4 Rare Candy
4 Pokemon Communication
3 Level Ball
2 PokeGear 3.0

10 Water
2 Double Colorless

This is the base of the regular VvV deck only with the added Next Destinies Vanilluxe. The Pokemon line is pretty straight forward, Vileplume to lock out Trainers, Noble Victories Vanilluxe to cause Paralysis and stop your opponent from attacking or retreating, Victini to make sure that Vanilluxe causes Paralysis. Dodrio serves as a nice way to retreat around Pokemon Catcher should you not be able to get your Trainer Lock up fast enough. Next Destinies Vanilluxe provides its Slippery Soles ability to keep your opponent from building any sort of offense.

The Supporter and Trainer line works in synch with Vileplume and should help you get the Trainer Lock up very fast. All your non Supporter Trainers are designed to get you your Pokemon fast and get them evolved quickly. Professor Elms Training Method is in the deck because it will enable searching of your many evolutions while under Trainer Lock. Twins is a must in this deck since you will be setting up slower your opponent will likely KO one of your Pokemon.

The important thing to remember here is to set your Trainer Lock up as soon as possible, and its also why I made note to make sure your Vanillish is the one from Noble Victories. The Vanillish from Noble Victories also packs a Paralyzing attack which will help you out if you cant Rare Candy to Vanilluxe before Vileplume is set up.

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