Saturday 21 April 2012

Pokeballing: Mini Tourney Report

So today Mitchell and I decided to head down to Action Packed Comics in Kingston, Ontario. Every Saturday the store hosts a Pokemon league, and we decided to get some practise and get back into the swing of the game we opted to play and make some trades

Bout half way through the league the players decided to each pay 2 dollars and get a small 3 round tournament going. after paying our money we paired up and began to play. This gave me a really good chance to test my Zekrom/Eelektrik build.

my build

Pokemon 15
3 Tynamo (30 hp free retreat)
3 Eelektrik
3 Zekrom
2 Zekrom EX
2 Thundurus
1 Shaymin EX
1 Terrakion

Supporters 9
3 N
3 Sages Training
3 Pokemon Collector

Stadiums 2
2 Skyarrow Bridge

Trainer 20
4 Junk Arm
3 Pokemon Catcher
3  Eviolite
3 Pokemon Communication
2 Level Ball
2 Switch
2 Pokegear 3.0
1 Super Rod

Energy 14
8 Lightning
4 Prism
2 Double Colorless

This build to me seemed to be a solid build since i don't own Mewtwo EX.

Round 1 Vs Dave (Crobat Prime/Zoroark)
Dave is a amazing player who judges or plays in pretty much every big event. He is also known for his amazing rogue decks (in fact during one trip to Kingston he beat Mitchell's Reshiboar deck with a deck that utilised the Shining Gyarados from Heart Gold&Soul Silver).

Anyway we both started bad my lone Shaymin EX to his Sigilyth, the one from Emerging Powers with Reflect. we both started really slow too, both drawing and passing till finally he was able to produce a Crobat which used Severe Poison to KO my Shaymin EX ( I couldn't get a set up started as he had used Skill Dive to kill my one Tynamo) he was able to take 4 prizes on me before i was able to produce a Zekrom with Eviolite attached. I was able to take out the Crobat keeping myself alive after his Zoroark attacked me with Bolt Strike (go Eviolite). I was able to bring it down to a one prize game when a well timed N dropped us both to one card. My high risk play paid off as he was not able to draw the energy needed to KO my Eelektrik with 20 hp left. Good game Dave and I look forward to having another.

Round 2 Vs Austin (Durant)
Now Durant is the bane of Eel decks as we need a few turns to get going and Durant can start milling right off the first turn with one Durant and a Collector. He went first and opened a Durant and played a Collector milling four cards right off the bat. I was able to bring it down to three prizes but he hit Crushing Hammer 5 out of 7 times to keep me stalled and milled all my Zekroms which prevented me from getting back into the game. Not alot i could do against that kind of god draw and good coin flips.

Round 3 Vs Mitchell (Durant)
Right off the bat I knew I was gonna lose this one, as his deck runs Cobalion still which shuts down my attacks. I started a Tynamo to his Cobalion, and after not drawing a single supporter card all game Cobalion  shut me down.

So i came away from the day with a 1-2 record and realising that i really need to tech in for my Durant match. Right now I am thinking of V-Create Victini from Noble Victories as it will enable me to hit the entire deck for 200 damage so long as i keep my bench full. Revive is also something i am contemplating as it would enable me to bring back discarded Zekrom which helps in the match as well.

As always i quite enjoyed my Pokemon day in Kingston, its such a good group of players there who really enjoy the game and it was great to get caught up on whats big and whats sort of fallen out of the top tier. Hopefully I will be able to go back soon as the road to Nationals continues.

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